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Souss Mass aand Tenerife committed to boost their cooperation
Agadir 03/05/2018 (MAP). Within the framework of the work visit of a delegation from the canary Isladns , a discuusion between the Region Souss Massa and Tenerife was held on Wednesday to study the means to dynamize the relations between the two parties.
Discussions were held between the President of the Regional Council Souss Massa Ibrahim Hafidi and the President of the Island Council of Tenerife Carlos Alonso accompanied by Delia Herrera, in charge of foreign Affairs of the Councildes . The talks tackled the promotion of investment opputunuities and businesses.The focus was mainly on strenghtening maritime connectivity between Agadir and Tenerife to stimulate the flow of goods and tourists and also exploring the means to develop cooperation in sectors such as fishery, agriculture, renewable enrgies, tourism, sport and exchange between universities.
During this meeting , Mr. Hafidi presented the regional develoment plan and the Regional Implementation of 2014-2020 Industrial Plan in Souss-Massa Region, launched in January by HM the King Mohammed VI. Following the meeting that was marked by the presence of the presidents of the professional Chambers of Souss Massa, a visit was organized to explore the port facilities of Agadir.
Tourism is the main economic activity in Tenerife. Trade, agriculture, fishery, livestock production, port activity and weak industrial activity complement the main economic activities in the island. Agriculture, tourism and, fishery are the main sector activities in Souss Massa one of the regions that is dynamic and prospering in Morocco. With the launch of the Industrial Plan in Souss-Massa, the region counts on industry to stimulate investment and to generate of job oppurtunities.