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Regional Project Execution Agency
Pursuant to Article 128 of Organic Law 111-14, the Regional Council Souss Massa set up the Regional Project Execution Agency, considered as a legal person under public law and has full administrative and financial autonomy.
M. Hakim BOUHOUTPursuant to Article 128 of Organic Law 111-14, the Regional Council Souss Massa set up the Regional Project Execution Agency, considered as a legal person under public law and has full administrative and financial autonomy. Mr. Hakim BOUHOUT, an engineer with many years of experience, has been head of the Souss Massa Regional Project Execution Agency since January 1st 2017. He held several important positions of responsibility including Regional Director of Equipment, Transport and Logistics of Souss Massa Drâa (2011-2015) as well as of Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima (September 2015-end of 2016).
Mission of the Agency:
- Providing legal assistance, technical and financial engineering in the study and preparation of projects and development programs for the benefit of the Council and at the request of the President;
- Executing development projects and programs approved by the Council.
Organs of the Agency:
The Agency has a monitoring and control committee that is managed by the Director under the chairmanship of the President of the Regional Council. It consists of :
- Two members of the Regional Council appointed by the President;
- A member of the opposition appointed by the council;
- The chairmen of the committees are responsible for:
- Regional development;
- Budget, finance and programming;
- Economic development;
- Social development;
- Cultural development;
- Environmental development.
Prerogatives of the Monitoring and Control Committee:
- Developing the Agency's action plan;
- Adopting the definitive annual budget and multiannual states;
- Approving of the financial statements and the allocation of profits;
- Ratifying approval of the Agency’s financial statements;
- Implementing the Agency’s staff regulations;
- Approving the Agency’s organizational chart;
- Approving the annual report;
- Assigning audit, control and evaluation operations.