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Citizens and associations may submit petitions asking the council to include certain points in its action program. However, the petition cannot affect the constants set out in the first chapter of the Constitution.

Petitioning citizens must meet the following conditions: :

Les citoyens pétitionnaires doivent répondre aux conditions suivantes:

  • To be a resident in the region concerned or to pursue an economic, commercial or professional activity there;
  • To be registered in electoral lists;
  • To have a direct common interest in the presentation of the petition;
  • The minimum number of signatories must not be less than 600 voters in the region.
Conditions for filing petitions by associations:

The petitioning associations must meet the following conditions:

  • To be a recognized association, established in Morocco for at least 3 years, working and respecting the democratic principles and their basic regulations in accordance with the legislation in force;
  • To be in good standing and in compliance with the laws and regulations in force;
  • The association’s headquarters or one of its branches has to be based in the territory of the region;
  • The activity of the association must be related to the subject matter of the petition.
How to submit petitions:
  • The petition must be presented with the aforementioned supporting documents to the President of the Regional Council, and a receipt promptly delivered;
  • The President of the Council transmits the petition to the Council office which verifies that the conditions have been fulfilled;
  • If the petition is accepted, it is scheduled on the agenda of the ordinary coming session and is forwarded to the relevant standing committee for study before it is presented to the Council for deliberation;
  • The President of the Council informs the legal representative of the association whether or not the petition has been accepted.
